A Toxic Soul Tie: The Demons Torment and Haunt You for a Reason

It didn’t look like the demons you see in Insidious.

MLinda Writes
4 min readAug 8, 2023


Dark and gray ambience, woman in black laying on the floor with an overturned stool.
Photo by Sep on Unsplash

What is a toxic soul tie?

According to Cuncin from, these are things you feel when in a toxic relationship:

Not everything is sunshine and rainbows; I’ve had my fair share of relationship issues. I started dating too young.

Being single for three years has helped me get in tune with myself while forming a positive connection with my spirit versus trying to entertain and play the perfect housewife. (all without the ring, I know, why?)

When you’re not yourself, your spirit shifts causing irrational behavior, and demon entities cross over to the spirit realm and haunt you.

Arguments, fights, and problems all misalign your spirit. These issues caused the same situation I was living through, which induced the nightmare I am about to share with you for the first time ever years later after it happened.

Imagine waking up and looking at the person next to you, and they're sleeping, but you are awake, uncertain, and alert.

Somethings not quite right…

Hands coming out from the ground from the grass with a dark sea and storm in the background.
Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

Oooh, scary story time! I’m trying something new today!

I recently started to read and study the bible, and I’ve realized many things.

I was tying myself to demonic entities—toxic soul ties. The problems I was facing during the day haunted me at night.

The story I’m about to tell you happened to me, and if anyone out there has encountered something like this, remember that the power of prayer can move mountains.

This horrible nightmare happened to me in 2015, a year after my second son was born with cystic fibrosis. These nightmares occurred several times when I lived with my son’s father, but this was one of the scariest incidents.

One night I went to sleep like usual, and I woke up around two or three in the morning, noticing the room was very bright. It was supernatural bright, something you instantly know you’re in a dream.

For some reason, to the far right corner of my eye, at the foot of the bed, the window caught my attention. I wish I had not looked at that damn window.

A spooky window in the attic on a stormy rainy day.
Photo by Danielle Dolson on Unsplash

Started to rise slowly, and in crawled a spider-like entity. When I saw it coming through the window, I knew exactly what it was. A demon!

It didn’t look like the demons you see in Insidious. It was far scarier than that. Its eyes and mouths look like static electricity.

It had giant bulbs of static eyes and an uncomfortable large smile, adding a clear dark presence like, Him, from The Powerpuff Girls. (links to with information about the characters)

I felt like the air was thick and heavy before entering through the window. I knew something was gonna happen. It was a weird feeling, and I didn’t like it.

Spooky fogged woods in black and gray.
Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

The creature crawled into the far right corner of the room and looked right at me, clearly seeing me.

It shrieked like the legions of a thousand demons from hell.

I couldn’t even move because I realized I was induced into sleep paralysis and REM might be in motion, so I just tried to pray and wiggle my fingers.

It noticed I was trying to wake from the nightmare, and it jumped down and dragged me, trying to pull me off the bed.

Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash

Upon sputtering (it’s hard to talk in sleep paralysis) and repeatedly saying Jesus’ name in Spanish, I woke up with a scream halfway down the bed.

You’ll see my perspective if you’ve ever seen any of the movies from the Freddy Krueger series. (Links to wiki fandom to Freddy Krueger profile)

It instantly woke my son’s father because I was forcefully dragged down the bed by an invisible force.

Many people can say that I jumped or moved, but I had a witness next to me who said he felt like a motion had pulled me, waking him up because it freaked him out.

Let’s say we didn’t really sleep the rest of the night trying to discuss what happened.

I have more stories, but that’s for another day. This was an eye-opening experience that happened to me to let you know that the power of prayer can help you.

It helped pull me out of a terrifying moment. I feel much better knowing I can now tell the signs of an evil soul tie.

Stay safe, guard your spirit, and pray to the most high. He protects us all!

~Marlenny Linda writes

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MLinda Writes
MLinda Writes

Written by MLinda Writes

Hello friends! I am a content writer with expertise in the parenting niche where I solve problems creatively. Need a writer?

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